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Sydney (Head Office)

Moorebank, NSW, 2170


Phone:  + 61 2 9600 9988

Fax:       + 61 2 9600 9777

November 2016 – Zero Tolerance to Asbestos

The Department of Immigration and Border Protection (Customs) have now increased their surveillance of import documentation to eliminate the importation of products containing asbestos.

Please view the following links providing additional information from ABF relevant to Asbestos, within the following links there is also a list created by the ABF identifying goods that are known to possibly contain asbestos.

Please remember that it is the responsibility of the importer to :

  • Ensure they do not import or export prohibited goods, such as asbestos;
  • Comply with regulations and ensure that goods they are purchasing do not contain any level of asbestos;
  • Ensure their supply chain security by confirming that asbestos was not used to manufacture the goods;
  • Organise sampling and testing for asbestos content prior to shipping the goods to Australia, and
  • Undertake regular risk assessments and quality assurance processes; and provide documentation to customs brokers that provides sufficient assurance.

We would suggest that customers approach your suppliers to ensure that you are accurately answering our asbestos declaration question and to cover your interests in the event of any future Australian Border Force audit. Please see template that we have created to assist our customers through this process, we require customers to fill in the attached declaration and return a copy to our office so that we can correctly declare your items to Australian Border Force.

Asbestos Declaration 2017

We understand this may present some inconvenience for customers, however it is a requirement which has been imposed by the Australian Border Force whom we are governed by.